Reading Groups
Next meeting of the Cavendish reading group:
PhF, "A Dialogue between the Body, and the Minde" as far as "An Elegy," 21 February, 6 pm CET
Recent meetings of the Cavendish reading group:
PhF, "Of the Motion of the Planets" - "I Could have inlarged my Booke...," 14 February, 6 pm CET
PhF, "Of Motion, and Matter" - "Of the Cloudes," 6 December, 7 pm CET
PhF, "Of the Senses" (cont.) - "Of the flowing of the Spirits," 22 November, 7 pm CET
PhF, "Of Sense and Reason exercised in their different shapes" (cont.) - "Of the Senses" and Liza Blake, "After Life in Margaret Cavendish's Vitalist Posthumanism," 15 November, 7 pm CET
PhF, "Of Sense and Reason exercised in their different shapes," 8 November, 7 pm CET
PhF, "Of the Animall Figure" - "What an Animall is," 18 October, 8 pm CEST
PhF, "The Gathering of Spirits" - "Of Matter, Motion, and Knowledge or Understanding," 11 October, 8 pm CEST
PhF, "Of the Motions of the Spirits" (cont.) - "The Gathering of Spirits," 30 September, 6 pm CEST
PhF, "Of the Motions of the Spirits," 23 September, 6 pm CEST
PhF, "Of the Minde" (cont.) - "Of Thinking, or the Minde, and Thoughts," 16 September, 6 pm CEST
PhF, "The Sympathy of the Rational and Sensitive Spirits, to the Figure they make, and inhabit" - "Of the Minde," 9 September, 6 pm CEST
PhF, "The Sympathy, and Antipathy of Spirits" - "The Sympathy of Sensitive, and Rational Spirits in one Figure," 2 September, 6 pm CEST
PhF, "Of the Minde" - "Of their severall Dances, or Figures," 26 August, 6 pm CEST
PhF, "Of Locall Shapes" (cont.) - "Of the Working of severall Motions of Nature," 19 August, 6 pm CEST
PhF, "Of Decay" (cont.) - "Of Locall Shapes," 12 August, 6 pm CEST
PhF, "Of Youth, or Growth" - "Of Decay," 5 August, 6 pm CEST
PhF, "Of CHANGE," 29 July, 6 pm CEST
PhF, "Similizing the Spirits, or Innate Matter" - "Of LIFE," 22 July, 6 pm CEST
PhF, "Of Division" (cont.) - "Of Power," 15 July, 3 pm CEST
PhF, "There is no Vacuity" - "Of Division," 1 July, 3 pm CEST
PhF, "Of Inequalities" - "Of Unities," 24 June, 3 pm CEST
PhF, "No proportion in Nature" (cont.) - "Of Perfection," 17 June, 3 pm CEST
PhF, "Of Matter and Motion" - "No proportion in Nature," 3 June, 3 pm CEST
PhF, "Another to the Thoughts" (cont.) - "To the Reader," 27 May, 3 pm CEST
PhF, beginning to "Another to the Thoughts," 20 May, 2 pm CEST
From January 2020 into early 2024, two to three reading groups ran concurrently. A record of their schedules from mid-September 2020 can be found below. The reading groups have since been merged, but we continue to meet regularly on Zoom. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in joining us!
Cavendish reading group: past meetings
PF, "Untitled [I know those that are strict]" as far as "Untitled [Final Note to the Reader]," 16 February, 6:30 pm CET
PF, "The Animal Parliament" (cont.), 9 February, 6:30 pm CET
PF, "The Animal Parliament" (cont.), 2 February, 6:30 pm CET
PF, "The Animal Parliament," 26 January, 6:30 pm CET
PF, "Upon the Funeral of my Dear Brother, Killed in these Unhappy Wars" - "Of the Death and Burial of Truth," 22 January, 8 pm CET
PF, "On a Mother, that Died for Grief of the Death of her Only Daughter" - "The Funeral of Calamity," 8 December, 7 pm CET
PF, "On a Melting Beauty" - "An Elegy on a Widow," 1 December, 7 pm CET
PF, "A Register of Mournful Verses" overview, 24 November, 7 pm CET
PF, "A Battle between Life and Death" and "Of a Traveling Thought," plus (optionally) Herrick's Oberon poems, 17 November, 7 pm CET
PF, "A Battle between King Oberon and the Pygmies" and "The Temple of Fortune," 24 October, 9 pm CEST
PF, "A Battle between Honor and Dishonor," 17 October, 9 pm CEST
PF, "A Battle between Courage and Prudence" (cont.) - "A Description of the Battle in Fight" 10 October, 9 pm CEST
PF, "The Fort or Castle of Hope" (cont.) - "A Battle between Courage and Prudence," 3 October, 9 pm CEST
PF, "Similizing the Body to Many Countries" (cont.) - "The Fort or Castle of Hope," 26 September, 9 pm CEST
PF, "The War of the Animal Spirits" - "Similizing the Body to Many Countries," 19 September, 9 pm CEST
PF, "The Fairies in the Brain May Be the Causes of Many Thoughts" - "Of the Animal Spirits," 12 September, 9 pm CEST
PF, "Of Fairies in the Brain" - "The City of These Fairies Is the Brain," 5 September, 9 pm CEST
PF, "Of a Garden" (cont.) as far as "A Man to his Mistress," 29 August, 9 pm CEST
PF, "Of the Witches in Lapland that Make Winds" (cont.) - "Of a Garden," 22 August, 9 pm CEST
PF, "The Pastime of the Queen of Fairies, when She Comes upon the Earth out of the Center" (cont.) as far as "Of the Witches in Lapland that Make Winds," 7 August, 8 pm CEST
PF, "The Fairy Queen's Kingdom" as far as "The Pastime of the Queen of Fairies, when She Comes upon the Earth out of the Center," 31 July, 8 pm CEST
PF, "The Temple of Fame" - "Fame’s Library within the Temple," 24 July, 8 pm CEST
PF, "The House of Shame, wherein Dishonor Lives" - "Fame," 17 July, 8 pm CEST
PF, "The Allegory of Shepherds Is too Mean for Noble Persons" (cont.), 10 July, 8 pm CEST
PF, "Upon the Theme of Love" - "The Allegory of Shepherds Is too Mean for Noble Persons," 3 July, 8 pm CEST
PF, "To all Writing Ladies" - "To the Reader, Concerning Fairies," 26 June, 8 pm CEST
PF, "A Masquer Dressed by Vanity" - "Honor’s Epilogue," 19 June, 8 pm CEST
PF, "A Lady Dressed by Youth" - "To the Temple," 12 June, 8 pm CEST
PF, "Another Voyage of the Same Ship" - "A Soldier Armed by Mars," 5 June, 8 pm CEST
PF, "Phantasm's Masque" - "The Voyage of a Ship, under which the Fortune of a Young Lady is Expressed," 22 May, 8 pm CEST
PF, "The Mine of Wit" - "The Conclusion of this Part," 15 May, 8 pm CEST
PF, "Poets Have Most Pleasure in this Life" (cont.) - "The Head of Man Compared to a Church," 8 May, 8 pm CEST
PF, "A Comparison between Gold and the Sun" - "Poets Have Most Pleasure in this Life," 5 May, 8 pm CEST
PF, "Of the Spider," 28 April, 8 pm CEST
PF, "The Prey of Thoughts" - "Similizing Fancy to a Gnat," 21 April, 8 pm CEST
PF, "Similizing the Head of Man to a Hive of Bees," 14 April, 8 pm CEST
PF, "Similizing the Sea to Meadows and Pastures, the Mariners to Shepherds, the Mast to a Maypole, the Fish to Beasts" (cont.) - "Similizing the Head of Man to the World," 7 April, 8 pm CEST
PF, "The Actions of the Mind Similized" - "Similizing the Sea to Meadows and Pastures, the Mariners to Shepherds, the Mast to a Maypole, the Fish to Beasts," 31 March, 8 pm CEsT
PF, "A Landscape" (cont.) - "Similizing Thoughts," 24 March, 8 pm CET
PF, "A Prospect of a Church in the Mind" (cont.) - "A Landscape," 17 March, 8 pm CET
PF, "Similizing the Mind" - "A Prospect of a Church in the Mind," 3 March, 8 pm CET
PF, "Nature’s Market" (cont.) - "Similizing Birds to a Ship," 24 February, 8 pm CET
PF, "Of a Picture Hung in Nature's House" (cont.) - "Nature’s Market," 17 February, 8 pm CET
PF, "Similizing the Winds to Music" - "Of a Picture Hung in Nature's House," 10 February, 8 pm CET
PF, "Similizing the Brain to a Garden" (cont.) - "Similizing the Heart...," 3 February, 8 pm CET
PF, "Comparing the Tongue to a Wheel" - "Similizing the Brain to a Garden," 27 January, 8 pm CET
PF, "Nature's Wardrobe" (cont.) as far as "Natures Grange," 20 January, 8 pm CET
PF, "Comparing of Wits to Wines" - "Nature's Wardrobe," 18 December, 9 pm CET
PF, "Nature's Officers" (cont.) - "Comparing the Head to a Barrel of Wine," 11 December, 9 pm CET
PF, "Nature's Dessert" (cont.) - "Nature's Officers," 4 December, 9 pm CET
PF, "A Tart" (cont.) - "Nature's Dessert," 27 November, 9 pm CET
PF, "A Heart Dressed" - "A Tart," 20 November, 9 pm CET
PF, "An Olio Dressed for Nature’s Dinner" (cont.) - "A Hodge-Podge for Nature’s Table," 6 November, 9 pm CET
PF, "A Posset for Nature’s Breakfast" - "An Olio Dressed for Nature’s Dinner," 30 October, 9 pm CET
PF, "Nature's Cook" and "Nature's Oven," 23 October, 9 pm CEST
PF, "Nature's Dress" (cont.), 16 October, 9 pm CEST
PF, "Nature's Cabinet" (cont.) - "Nature's Dress," 9 October, 9 pm CEST
PF, "The Several Keys of Nature, which Unlock the Several Boxes of her Cabinet" (cont.)" - "Nature's Cabinet," 2 October, 9 pm CEST
PF, "The Several Keys of Nature, which Unlock the Several Boxes of her Cabinet" (cont.), 25 September, 9 pm CEST
PF, "Upon the same Subject" as far as "The Several Keys of Nature, which Unlock the Several Boxes of her Cabinet," 14 September, 9 pm CEST
PF, "To the Reader" - "Of Poets and their Theft," 31 August, 9 pm CEST
PF, "To Poets" (cont.), 24 August, 9 pm CEST
PF, "Clasp II-III" recap and "To Poets" (cont.), 17 August, 9 pm CEST
PF, "Of an Island" - "To Poets," 29 July, 8 pm CEST
PF, Beginning of "Clasp II-III" - "The Hunting of the Stag," 22 July, 8 pm CEST
PF, "A Discourse of a Knave" - "A Discourse of the Power of Devils," 15 July, 8 pm CEST
PF, "Of Fishes" - "Earth's Complaint," 1 July, 8 pm CEST
PF, "A Moral Discourse of Man and Beast" (cont.) - "Of the Knowledge of Beasts," 24 June, 8 pm CEST
PF, "Of the Shortness of Man’s Life and his Foolish Ambition" - "A Moral Discourse of Man and Beast," 17 June, 8 pm CEST
PF, "Of Tranquillity" and a joint reading group project presentation by Brooke Sharp, 3 June, 8 pm CEST
PF, "Of Humility" - "Poverty," 27 May, 8 pm CEST
PF, "A Discourse of Man’s Pride, or Seeming Prerogative" - "Of Foolish Ambition," 20 May, 8 pm CEST
PF, "A Discourse of Love, the Parent of Passions" - "A Discourse of Love Neglected, Burnt up with Grief," 13 May, 8 pm CEST
PF, "A Dialogue betwixt Riches and Poverty" - "A Dialogue betwixt Peace and War," 6 May, 8 pm CEST
PF, "A Dialogue between Love and Hate" - "A Dialogue betwixt Learning and Ignorance," 29 April, 8 pm CEST
PF, "A Dialogue betwixt Wit and Beauty," 22 April, 8 pm CEST
Dodds, The Literary Invention of Margaret Cavendish, ch. 3, 15 April, 8 pm CEST, with special guest Professor Lara Dodds
Dodds, The Literary Invention of Margaret Cavendish, ch. 2, 8 April, 8 pm CEST
PF, "A Dialogue between Melancholy and Mirth" - "A Dialogue betwixt Joy and Discretion," 1 April, 8 pm CEST
PF, "A Dialogue between an Oak and a Man Cutting Him Down" - "A Dialogue of Birds," 18 March, 8 pm CET
PF, "A Dialogue betwixt the Body and the Mind" - "A Dialogue betwixt Earth, and Darkness," 11 March, 8 pm CET
PF, "A Dialogue betwixt Man and Nature" - "A Dialogue betwixt the Body and the Mind," 28 February, 4 pm CET
PF, "The Purchase of Poets, or, a Dialogue betwixt the Poets and Fame, and Homer’s Marriage," 21 February, 4 pm CET
PF, "Of Fame: A Dialogue between Two Supernatural Opinions" - "A Simple Natural Opinion of the Mind," 14 February, 4 pm CET
PF, "Of Moral Philosophy and Moralists," 4 February, 7 pm CET
PF, "The Trisection" cont. - "The Arithmetic of Passions," 31 January, 4 pm CET
PF, "The Circle of Honesty Squared" - "The Trisection," 21 January, 8 pm CET
PF, "When I did write this book I took great pains" - "Another to the Same Purpose," 14 January, 8 pm CET
PF, "Several Worlds in Several Circles" and NP (1656), pp. 157-159, 17 December, 7 pm CET
PF, "Of Many Worlds in this World" - "A World in an Earring," 3 December, 7 pm CET
PF, "It Is Hard to Believe that there Are Other Worlds in this World," 26 November, 7 pm CET
PF, "Of the Motion of the Blood" - "The Traffic betwixt the Sun and the Earth," 19 November, 7 pm CET
PF, "The Reason Why the Thoughts Are Only in the Head," 12 November, 7 pm CET
PF, "The Motion of Thoughts" (cont.), 5 November, 7 pm CET
PF, "According as the Notes in Music Agree with the Motions of the Heart or Brain, Such Passions Are Produced Thereby" - "The Motion of Thoughts," 30 October, 2 pm CEST
PF, "Of Shadow and Echo" - "The Objects of Every Sense Are According to their Motions in the Brain," 24 October, 7 pm CEST
PF, "What Makes Echo" - "Of the Sound and Echo," 15 October, 4 pm CEST
PF, "Of Stars" - "The Sun is Nurse to All the Earth Bears," 8 October, 7 pm CEST
PF, "Wind Is Made in the Air, Not in the Earth" - "Of Cold Winds," 23 September, 8 pm CEST
PF, "What is Liquid" - "The Temper of the Earth," 16 September, 8 pm CEST
PF, "Of the Elements" - "Flame Compared to the Tide of the Sea," 9 September, 8 pm CEST
PF, "The Infinites of Matter" - "A World Made by Four Kinds of Atoms," 2 September, 8 pm CEST
PF, "Of the Center of the World" - "If Infinite Worlds, There Must Be Infinite Centers," 26 August, 8 pm CEST
PF, "The Reason Water Quenches Fire" - "The Agility of Water," 19 August, 8 pm CEST
PF, "The Power of Fire" - "Of Burning, Why It Causes Pain", 10 August, 4 pm CEST
PF, "Of a Spark of Fire" - "The Increasing and Decreasing of Visible Fire", 6 August, 8 pm CEST
PF, "Of Quenching out of Fire" - "The Quenching out and Smothering of Heat and Light Doth Not Change the Property nor Shape of Sharp Atoms," 23 July, 4 pm CEST
PF, "Of Vapor" - "Of the Attraction of the Poles, and of Frost," 16 July, 4 pm CEST
PF, "Of Contracting and Dilating, Whereby Vacuum Must Needs Follow" - "What Atoms the Sun is Made of," 9 July, 5:30 pm CEST
PF, "Motion Makes Atoms a Bawd for Figure" - "Vacuum in Atoms," 2 July, 4 pm CEST
PF, "What Atoms Make a Palsy or Apoplexy" - "The Difference of Atoms and Motion in Youth and Age," 25 June, 4 pm CEST
PF, "What Atoms Make Change" - "What...Colic," 18 June, 4 pm CEST
PF, "The Poetress’s Hasty Resolution" - "The Joining...," 11 June, 4 pm CEST
PL, p.536-end + PF, prefatory material, 4 June, 4 pm CEST
PL, 4.31-4.33, 28 May, 4 pm CEST
PL, 4.28-4.30, 14 May, 4 pm CEST
PL, 4.21-4.27, 7 May, 4 pm CET
PL, 4.14-4.20, 30 April, 5 pm CET
PL, 4.10-4.13, 16 April, 3 pm CET
PL, 4.4-4.9, 9 April, 3 pm CET
PL, 4.2-4.3, 26 March, 3 pm CET
PL, 3.42-4.1, 19 March, 3 pm CET
PL, 3.38-3.41, 12 March, 3 pm CET
PL, 3.33-3.37, 5 March, 3 pm CET
PL, 3.30-3.32, 26 February, 3 pm CET
PL, 3.23-3.29, 19 February, 3 pm CET
PL, 3.21-3.22, 12 February, 3 pm CET
PL, 3.16-3.20, 5 February, 3 pm CET
PL, 3.11-3.15, 29 January, 3 pm CET
PL, 3.6-3.10, 22 January, 3 pm CET
PL, part 2 wrap-up and 3.1-3.5, 15 January, 3 pm CET
PL, 2.28-2.34, 22 December, 9 pm CET
PL, 2.21 to 2.27, 15 December, 9 pm CET
PL, 2.14 to 2.20, 8 December, 9 pm CET
PL, 2.10 to 2.13, 24 November, 9 pm CET
PL, 2.6 to 2.9, 17 November, 9 pm CET
PL, 1.45 to 2.5, 10 November, 9:30 pm CET
PL, 1.37 to 1.44, 3 November, 9:30 pm CET
PL, 1.33 through 1.36, 27 October, 9:30 pm CET
PL, 1.24 through 1.32, 20 October, 9:30 pm CEST
PL, 1.18 through 1.23, 13 October, 9:30 pm CEST
PL, 1.13 through 1.17, 6 October, 9:30 pm CEST
PL, 1.9 through 1.12, 29 September, 9:30 pm CEST
PL, 1.3 through 1.8, 22 September, 9:30 pm CEST
PL, beginning through 1.3, 15 September, 9:30 pm CEST
GNP Appendix Part 2.4 - end, 8 September, 9:30 pm CEST
Contexts for Cavendish RG: past meetings
Porphyry, Isagoge, Porphyry, Isagoge, §12-16, 13 May, 4 pm CEST
Porphyry, Isagoge, Porphyry, Isagoge, §7-11, 6 May, 3 pm CEST
Porphyry, Isagoge, Porphyry, Isagoge, §3-6, 29 April, 3 pm CEST
Porphyry, Isagoge, §0-2, 15 April, 3 pm CEST
Digby, second Treatise, ch. 12 and conclusion, 8 April, 3 pm CEST
Digby, second Treatise, ch. 11, 25 March, 3 pm CET
Digby, second Treatise, ch. 10, 18 March, 3 pm CET
Digby, second Treatise, ch. 9, 11 March, 3 pm CET
Digby, second Treatise, ch. 8, 29 February, 3 pm CET
Digby, second Treatise, chs. 6 and 7, 19 February, 3 pm CET
Digby, second Treatise, ch. 5.5 - 5.11, 12 February, 3 pm CET
Digby, second Treatise, ch. 4 - ch 5.4, 5 February, 3 pm CET
Digby, second Treatise, ch. 3, 29 January, 3 pm CET
Digby, second Treatise, 1.10 - ch. 2, 22 January, 3 pm CET
Digby, second Treatise, 1.1-1.9, 11 December, 3 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, second Treatise Preface, 27 November, 3:30 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 38.6 - end of first Treatise, 21 June, 1 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, chs. 37-38.5, 16 June, 1 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, chs. 35 and 36, 6 June, 1 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, chs. 33.5-34, 31 May, 1 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, chs. 32.6-33.4, 24 May, 1:45 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, chs. 32.1-32.5, 17 May, 1:45 pm CEST`
Digby, Two Treatises, chs. 30 and 31, 10 May, 1:45 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, chs. 28 and 29, 3 May, 1:45 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 27, 26 April, 1:45 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 26, 19 April, 1:45 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 24.6-25, 12 April, 1:45 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 24.1-24.5, 5 April, 1:45 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 23, 29 March, 1:45 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 22, 22 March, 1:45 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 21, 15 March, 1:45 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 20, 3 March, 2:00 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 19, 22 February, 2:00 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 18, 15 February, 1:45 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 17, 8 February, 1:45 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 15.8 - ch. 16, 1 February, 1:45 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 14.16 - ch. 15.7, 25 January, 1:45 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 14.1-14.15, 18 January, 2 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 13, 19 December, 2 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 12 and Pécharman, "Kenelm Digby on Quantity as Divisibility," 16 December, 2 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 11, 5 December, 2 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 10, 2 December, 2 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 9.6-9.12 and Adriaenssen, "Digby on Accidents," 25 November, 2 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 9.1-9.6, 9 November, 3:30 pm CET
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 8, 24 October, 2 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 7, 21 October, 2 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 5.6-6, 7 October, 2 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 4.5-5.5, 30 September, 2 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 3.8-4.4, 9 September, 2 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 3.1-3.7, 2 September, 2 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 2 and Georgescu, "Bodies and Their Potential Parts: The Not-So-Friendly Reception of Digbean Quantity," 26 August, 2 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, ch. 1, 19 August, 2 pm CEST
Digby, Two Treatises, front matter, 10 August, 8 pm CEST
Hobbes, Decameron Physiologicum, ch. 10, 5 August, 8 pm CEST
Hobbes, Decameron Physiologicum, chs. 8-9 and Georgescu, "Rotating Poles, Shifting Angles and the Use of Geometry (Bond’s Longitude Found and Hobbes’ confutation)," 29 July, 2 pm CEST, with special guest Dr. Laura Georgescu
Hobbes, Decameron Physiologicum, chs. 7-8, 7 July, 6 pm CEST
Hobbes, Decameron Physiologicum, chs. 2-6, 22 June, 1 pm CEST
Hobbes, Seven Philosophical Problems, ch. 8, 3 June, 1 pm CEST
Hobbes, Seven Philosophical Problems, ch. 7, 23 May, 2 pm CEST
De Corpore, ch. 30, 16 May, 2 pm CEST
De Corpore, ch. 29, 9 May, 2 pm CEST
Hobbes, Seven Philosophical Problems, chs. 5-6, 2 May, 2 pm CEST
De Corpore, ch. 28.8-18, 25 April, 2 pm CEST
De Corpore, ch. 27.14-28.7, 19 April, 12 pm CEST
De Corpore, ch. 27.5-13, 6 April, 1 pm CEST
Yael Kedar, "Plotinus’s conception of unity and multiplicity as the root to the medieval distinction between lux and lumen" and Yael Kedar and Giora Hon, "'Natures' and 'Laws': The making of the concept of law of nature - Robert Grosseteste (c. 1168 - 1253) and Roger Bacon (1214/1220 - 1292)," 28 March, 3 pm CEST, with special guest Dr. Yael Kedar
De Corpore, ch. 27.1-4 and Seven Philosophical Problems, ch. 4, 18 March, 12 pm CET
De Corpore, ch. 26.9-11, Seven Philosophical Problems, ch. 2, and Baldin, Hobbes and Galileo, ch. 2, §5, 9 March, 12 pm CET
De Corpore, ch. 26.5-8, 23 February, 12 pm CET
Decameron Physiologicum, ch. 1, and Pasnau, ch. 7, 16 February, 12 pm CET
De Corpore, ch. 26.1-4, Seven Philosophical Problems, ch. 3, and Pasnau, ch. 6, 9 February, 12 pm CET
De Corpore, ch. 25.9-13 and Pasnau, ch. 5, 2 February, 12 pm CET
De Corpore, ch. 25.3-8 and Pasnau, ch. 4, 26 January, 12 pm CET
De Corpore, ch. 25.1-2; Pasnau, ch. 3; and Seven Philosophical Problems, chs. 1-2, 19 January, 12 pm CET
De Corpore, ch. 24.2-9; Pasnau, chs. 1 & 2; and Seven Philosophical Problems, front matter, 20 December, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 24.1 and Dong, "Hobbes’s model of refraction and derivation of the sine law," 13 December, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 23.9-14 and Jacquot, "Sir Charles Cavendish and his learned friends" I & II, 6 December, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 23.1-8 and Hervey, "Hobbes and Descartes in the Light of Some Unpublished Letters of the Correspondence between Sir Charles Cavendish and Dr. John Pell," 29 November, 1 pm CET
Ps.-Hobbes, "A Short Tract on First Principles," 2.8-end and Raylor, "Hobbes, Payne, and A Short Tract on First Principles," 22 November, 1 pm CET
Ps.-Hobbes, "A Short Tract on First Principles," beginning-2.8 and Kargon, "Hobbes and the Mechanical Philosophy," 17 November, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 22.13-20 and Adams, "Motion as an Accident of Matter: Margaret Cavendish and Thomas Hobbes on Motion and Rest," 8 November, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 22.9-12 and Noel Malcolm, "Hobbes and Roberval," 29 October, 2 pm CEST
De Corpore, Ch. 22.1-8 and John Henry, "Hobbes, Galileo, and the Physics of Simple Circular Motions," 19 October, 4 pm CEST
De Corpore, Ch. 21, 8 October, 3 pm CEST
Westfall, Force in Newton's Physics, ch. 3 and Maarten Van Dyck, "Mechanical Philosophy: Science of Mechanics," 29 September, 8 pm CEST (with special guest Professor Maarten Van Dyck)
De Corpore, Ch. 20 and Jesseph, Squaring the Circle, Appendix A.3-A.4, 14 September, 8 pm CEST (with special guest Professor Douglas Jesseph)
De Corpore, Ch. 19 and Clucas and Raylor, "Progress report on the Clarendon Edition of “De corpore” and Related Manuscripts," 7 September, 8 pm CEST (with special guest Professor Douglas Jesseph)
De Corpore, Ch. 18, 31 August, 8 pm CEST (with special guest Professor Douglas Jesseph)
De Corpore, Ch. 17, 24 August, 8 pm CEST
De Corpore, Ch. 16.8-16.19; Westfall, Force in Newton's Physics, pp. 109-114; and Jesseph, "Hobbes on the Ratios of Motions and Magnitudes: The Central Task of De Corpore, Part III," 17 August, 8 pm CEST
De Corpore, Ch. 16.1-16.7, 11 August, 8 pm CEST
De Corpore, Ch. 15.2-15.8, 5 August, 2 pm CEST
De Corpore, Ch. 15.1 and Biener, "Hobbes on the Order of the Sciences: A Partial Defense of the Mathematization Thesis," 23 July, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 14.2-21 and Euclid's Elements, Book I, 16 July, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 14.1; Euclid's Elements, Book VI; and Bird, "Squaring the Circle: Hobbes on Philosophy and Geometry," 9 July, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 13; Euclid's Elements, Book V; and Pycior, "Mathematics and Philosophy: Wallis, Hobbes, Barrow, and Berkeley," 2 July, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 13.16-14.19, 25 June, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 12.6-13.15, 18 June, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 10.6-12.5, 11 June, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 8.19-10.5, 4 June, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 8.3-8.18, 28 May, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 7.4-8.2, 14 May, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 6.10-7.3, 7 May, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 5.10-6.10, 30 April, 1 pm CET
De Corpore, Ch. 4.7-5, 16 April, noon CET
De Corpore, Ch. 3.3-4.7, 9 April, noon CET
De Corpore, Ch. 2.11-3.2, 26 March, 10 am CET
De Corpore, Ch. 1.7-2.10, 19 March, 10 am CET
Hobbes, De Corpore, front matter + Ch. 1, 12 March, 10 am CET
Descartes, Passions 3, articles 199-212, 3 March, 10 am CET
Descartes, Passions 3, articles 170-198, 24 February, 10 am CET
Descartes, Passions 3, articles 149-169 + Lisa Shapiro, "Cartesian Generosity," 17 February, 10 am CET
Descartes, Passions 2, articles 137-148 + ch. 2 of D. Brown, Descartes and the Passionate Mind, 10 Feb, 10 am CET
Descartes, Passions 2, articles 112-136 + Amy Schmitter, "'I've got a Little List': Classification, Explanation, and the Focal Passions in Descartes and Hobbes," 3 February, 10 am CET
Descartes, Passions 2, articles 80-111, 27 January, 10 am CET
Descartes, Passions 2, articles 51-79, 22 January, 10 am CET
Descartes, Passions 1, articles 26-50, 11 January, 10 am CET
Descartes, Passions 1, articles 1-25, 7 January, 10 am CET
Cordemoy, Treatises on Metaphysics, 11 December, 3 pm CET
Cordemoy, fifth and sixth discourses, 4 December, 3 pm CET
Wrap-up discussion of Charleton's Physiologia, 27 November, 3 pm CET
Cordemoy, third and fourth discourses, 20 November, 3 pm CET
Cordemoy, first two discourses, 13 November, 3 pm CET
Charleton, 4.2.3 to end of book, 6 November, 3 pm CET
Charleton, 4.2.2, 30 October, 3 pm CET
Charleton, 4.2.1, 23 October, 3 pm CEST
Charleton, 4.1, 16 October, 3 pm CEST
Charleton, 3.16.2, 25 September, 2 pm CEST
Charleton, 3.16.1 + Liam Semler, "The Magnetic Attraction of Margaret Cavendish and Walter Charleton", 18 September, 11 am CEST (with special guest Professor Liam Semler)
Pasnau RG: past meetings
Q&A session, with special guest Robert Pasnau, 20 November, 4 pm CET
Q&A planning session, 13 November, 1 pm CET
Ch. 30, 10 July, 1 pm CEST
Ch. 29, 26 June, 1 pm CEST
Ch. 28, 19 June, 1 pm CEST
Ch. 27, 5 June, 2 pm CEST
Ch. 26.5-26.6, 22 May, 2 pm CEST
Ch. 26.1-26.4, 15 May, 2 pm CEST
Ch. 25.5-25.6, 8 May, 2 pm CEST
Ch. 25.1-25.5, 24 April, 2 pm CEST
Ch. 24, 17 April, 2 pm CEST
Ch. 23, 3 April, 2 pm CEST
Ch. 22, 27 March, 2 pm CEST
Ch. 21, 20 March, 2 pm CET
Ch. 20, 13 March, 2 pm CET
Ch. 19, 6 March, 2 pm CET
Ch. 18, 27 February, 2 pm CET
Ch. 17, 20 February, 2 pm CET
Ch. 16, 13 February, 2 pm CET
Ch. 15, 6 February, 2 pm CET
Ch. 14, 30 January, 2 pm CET
Ch. 13, 27 January, 3 pm CET
Ch. 12, 20 May, 3 pm CEST
Ch. 11, 13 May, 3 pm CEST
Ch. 10, 6 May, 3 pm CEST
Ch. 9, 29 April, 3 pm CEST
Ch. 8, 4 April, 1 pm CEST
(Earlier chapters read as part of the Cavendish Circle reading group.)